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to wave one's arms
agitar los brazos
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wave verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
waved, has waved, is waving, waves
agitar; saludar con la mano, hacer señas con la mano; blandir; ondear, agitarse; ondular; marcar (el pelo); hacerle señas a (con la mano)

Ejemplos de uso de
wave verb

  • We waved to our friends through the window.
  • She was waving in the direction of the bridge.
  • Flags were waving in the breeze.
  • The magician waved his magic wand.
  • The leader of the parade waved a flag.
  • It was so hot that we were all waving our hands in front of our faces to cool off.

one adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
un, una; mismo, misma; alguno, alguna; un

Ejemplos de uso de
one adjective

  • There is one minute left in the game.
  • I have a few one-dollar bills in my purse.
  • She is one year old.

Sinónimos de
one adjective

arm noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
brazo (del cuerpo o de un sillón), manga (de una prenda); rama, sección; arma

Ejemplos de uso de
arm noun

  • She grabbed my arm.

Sinónimos de
arm noun